Returns & Cancellation Policy

If for whatever reason you change your mind and would like to return your order after delivery, we’re happy to refund or exchange your purchase as long as it’s unopened and in its original packaging. This option is available for 14 days after delivery.

Following the European Union (Consumer Information, Cancellation and Other Rights) Regulations, we will accept items back even if you have opened the goods to inspect them. You are entitled to a refund as long as you notify us of your intention to cancel within 14 calendar days from the day after delivery.

The goods must be in an ‘as new’ condition and returned in the original, undamaged packaging, along with any accessories and free gifts received with them.

You may examine products as you would in a shop but you must not have used or assembled / installed them. Whilst the goods are in your possession you must take reasonable care of them.

Due to their intimate nature, all mattresses will be delivered sealed in clear plastic wrapping that will allow for inspection. Any mattresses that have been unsealed will be deemed as having been used. Therefore they cannot be returned for any reason other than because they are not as described.

Sofas that are personally made cannot be returned as these are made from scratch. The only way a sofa that is personally made can be returned is if the sofa is damaged on delivery.

If you would like to return your items to us you can do so or we can collect for €25 via one of our vans whenever they will be in your area next. Once the items are brought back to our warehouse, they will be inspected. You must first email us at info@localhost quoting your order number in order to inform us of your decision to cancel.

Once we have received the goods back from you, we will give you a refund for the cost of the product minus delivery charge paid. We may make a deduction from the refund for any loss in value of the goods if the loss is a result of unnecessary handling by you.

How do I cancel an order before delivery?
Should you wish to cancel your order before delivery please email us at info@localhost, live chat or phone us and we will arrange.

What happens if my product arrives damaged?
Although we take every care to ensure your product arrives to you in pristine condition, on rare occasions a product may get damaged in transit. If you do receive a damaged product, please contact us within 48 hours by emailing info@localhost, live chat or phone us and we will arrange a replacement part. Any damage of parts during assembly will incur fee to replace.
We do ask that you:
• Do not assemble or use product
• Inform us straight away
Please note that we may ask to inspect the goods to confirm the fault or ask you to carry out a telephone diagnostic to make sure it is not a problem that can be resolved quickly.
Please note: inspect all parts for damage before you assemble as we cannot replace or refund a product once assemble has commenced.

What happens if damage occurs to my product outside of the 48 hrs?

If damage occurs due to misuse we will attempt to get replacement parts and advise of price.

If damage occurs that relates to product/manufacture defect and still under manufactures warranty a replacement part will be issued for free. Standard wear and tear will not be covered only defects.

If damage occurs you must stop using the product with immediate effect as any further damage as a result of use of the product while damaged will not be covered and will cause the warranty to be invalidated.

Due to depreciation you will be entitled to replacement part to fix the issue if under warranty and not entitled to new product or refund.

Following cancellation of your order any monies paid will be refunded by us within 3 days.